February 2024: Trucking Along

Snowy days, rainy nights…

Not too much to report this month, honestly. It’s been a pretty uneventful one here. Classes have ramped up for Jarrod, and we are steadily marching our way towards the beginning of Great Lent.

So, this will probably be a fairly short (and slightly overdue, oops) update. The majority of Jarrod’s academic concerns this past month have been getting through Hebrew and his second semester of Greek, but he tries to spend an hour or two each day studying each language and is learning a lot. Greek in particular has been a struggle for him, but he’s been communicating well with his professor, and I think will come out of it with a passing grade. (It certainly helps that they’re allowed to re-take tests!)

One exciting bit of news from this month was that Jarrod got accepted into the CPE program he was hoping to get, at St. Luke’s in Kansas City this summer. This means that we will be traveling home and living with his parents again for a few months, which will also allow me to go into the office again. And the kids will get to spend another few months of quality time hanging out with Grammy and Pop-Pop.

They actually canceled school the night before in preparation for this storm…I thought that was quite silly, as there wasn’t a speck of snow in the ground and hardly a threatening cloud in the sky. I guess they made the right decision!
A surprise snowy Saturday!

The weather here this month has been all over the place. The kids had not another snow day this past month, along with a surprise snowy day a couple Saturdays ago. The school snow day, coupled with the fact that they got two Mondays off in a row for a teacher’s in-service day and President’s Day (plus a sick Rose leaving Liesl home with me the second Tuesday) means that I got bit frazzled with work and routines and things.

Of course it hasn’t been all hot chocolate and Snow Olafs…the temperature managed to get into a very pleasant (even bikeable!) range last week before it plummeted again, and now we’ve been dealing with a chilly rain. We’re all hoping Phil was right with his prediction of a shorter winter.

In other February news, we all enjoyed watching the Chiefs win their second Super Bowl victory in a row…what a game! Phew. I promised the kids they could have new Chiefs shirts if they went to the Super Bowl, and Liesl has essentially worn nothing but her shirt ever since it arrived. She just loves it, and would wear it every day if she could.

Ambrose got all A’s on his second-quarter report card, no surprise there. His reading has really continued to take off — he read all of Sideways Stories from Wayside School over the course of a week or so, and has been enjoying reading his way through the book of Genesis — like, the actual Bible, not a kids’ text. Wow! On the Theda side of things, we had a very nice chat with her teachers about her progress through PreK. They had glowing reviews to give of her classroom behavior and have no doubt about her readiness for kindergarten.

Finally, a small Jarrod health update — he got a stomach scope this past month (and went to classes afterward?!) to try and identify the cause of his ongoing GI issues. Nothing drastic stuck out, and now he has a game plan for managing his symptoms. He’ll occasionally have a bad night of reflux, but is attempting to write down and identify possible triggers.

Just two sisters coloring flashlights together. I just love watching their relationship grow.

Aside from that, we’ve just been getting along day by day. My one-year anniversary of starting work at AS is coming up this month; I still consider myself so incredibly blessed to have made the successful transition to a job so completely perfect for me and for our circumstances.

Pray for us this coming month as we enter Great Lent and classes continue to keep Jarrod busy. Some days are a struggle for me personally — I feel like I have an awful lot to juggle here with work and kids — but at the same time, it’s great being here, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Until April! Enjoy some random photos of our fun this past month:

Heart donuts on Valentine’s day — our yearly tradition!
Theda has been begging me to let her help wash the dishes. I can’t turn that down!
A Saturday morning so peaceful it was unreal!
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